Do you want to learn more about Ayurveda and the impact it can have on your health? Are you interested in better understanding yourself and your personality? Do you want to uncover what's behind many physical and psychological issues? I will explain in the following review, why you should then enroll in The Ayurveda Experience…
and the best part is, this course now comes with a PAY WHAT YOU WANT OFFER!
Is ‘The Ayurveda Experience' worth your time and money?
I'm so glad I have the opportunity to share my Ayurveda experience with you…And even more excited to write and share The Ayurveda Experience review!  Ayurveda improved my health and relationship to life, and I know it can do the same for you, and the people you love.
Before I found Ayurveda, I was searching for a natural way to navigate menopause, and winter colds, and understand my daughter's allergies… But most of all, I was trying to avoid the chronic illnesses many people deal with by middle age.Â
My Ayurveda story
It was the winter of 2000. My sister's boyfriend enrolled at the California College of Ayurveda in Grass Valley, California. Bill would share with Lisa what he was learning, and then Lisa would share it with me. We were both so fascinated by his transformation and insights that we wanted to know even more. He seemed to have a natural “glow” of health that we were seeking…! So we enrolled in the same program the following January.
The first thing we learned is that Ayurveda means, the knowledge or science of life.
Ayur or Ayous = life, and Veda = wisdom.
How Ayurveda changed my life
It struck me that learning Ayurveda could be really useful and practical. I wanted a system that could support me in maintaining my ideal weight and keep me healthy in later years of life. Pharmaceutical drugs scared me. They seemed more like the disease than the cure. Ayurveda seemed like the answer to staying vital and preventing disease before it developed. In other words, it seemed worthy of my attention.

When I think back, our interest and enthusiasm were a little strange because we were unlikely candidates. We grew up in Upper Michigan, about as far from India (Ayurveda's motherland) as possible. My sister and I had no understanding of the Indian culture or why we were even interested…but we were.
As I reflect back, it was almost as if Ayurveda has chosen us. We were just following the call.
Ayurveda as a turning point
Learning Ayurveda was a real turning point in my life. It opened me to so many new insights about myself and life. There was a distinct and obvious intelligence of nature that I had somehow missed. I began to perceive life differently and understand the importance of living in harmony with the rhythms and cycles of nature.
Is Ayurveda calling you too?
Once you understand the principles of Ayurveda, it's impossible to look at the world the same way. It's full of ancient wisdom and kitchen table practicality. Ayurveda is full of common sense principles for vitality, sustainable health, and longevity.
It's not just for people either! The principles apply to every living thing. Â Trees, plants, animals, foods…everything can be looked at through the 5 elements.
Most importantly Ayurveda is a system of healthcare that you can use for your entire family.  When you understand the simple principles, it's easy to spot when you or your kids are sliding out of balance.
Is Ayurveda a Religion?
If Ayurveda were a religion, Nature would be its Goddess
and overindulgence would be the only sin  ~Robert Svaboda
I often get asked if Ayurveda is a religion. It's definitely not. The rules of nature have nothing to do with morality. Ayurveda doesn't care what you do! There's no judgment at all. It's based on the laws of nature.
It just says if you don't live in harmony with the forces of the elements, you pay the consequences. Whether you like it or not you're connected and a part of everything around you. If you don't live in harmony with it…well, you're out of harmony.
Health and harmony are synonymous.
Where there is harmony, there is health
Where there is disharmony, there is disease – Dr. Marc Halpern
Ayurvedic medicine: Ancient wisdom for modern times
Ayurveda is nature-based wisdom and instruction about how to live in harmony with nature. Life itself will become your teacher as you follow the cycles of the sun and the ebb and flow of the seasons. It will teach you about yourself, your imbalances, the choices you make, and how they affect your life. Ayurveda will help you to see life whole, rather than fragmented.

In 2000 few schools were teaching Ayurveda in the United States. Many people knew about Yoga, Ayurveda's sister science. But few people in the US knew about Ayurveda.
Today Ayurveda is finally getting the attention it deserves thanks to many schools and the technology of online learning.
There are many good physical, and academic institutes in the U.S. I recommend the California College of Ayurveda in Grass Valley. The caveat is…prepare to spend between $10,000 – $14,000 for your education. This does not include other costs of commuting, accommodations, and food.
But if you are busy and cannot devote long hours and years to study and travel, or do not have thousands of dollars necessary then The Ayurveda Experience is for you.
The Ayurveda Experience is a complete home multi-media program. It will give you the knowledge, tools, and secrets the ancient Rishi's discovered over 5000 years ago.
- You will experience a complete mental, physical, and emotional transformation.
- It will save you money by staying healthy.
- Most of all, you'll learn to love and appreciate yourself just the way you are.
Here's my personal review of The Ayurveda Experience

Product: The Ayurveda Experience
Official Website:Â Â The Ayurveda Experience
Guarantee: 100% money-back guarantee for a full 60 days
My rating: 9:5 out of 10
The Ayurveda Experience is a complete course on the fundamental principles and application of Ayurveda. It's shot mostly in India, and the videos are a beautiful way to watch and learn.
The instruction is set up in 3 steps: Recognizing – Understanding – Optimizing
Step 1 – Recognizing
The program opens with three video modules to familiarize you with Ayurveda. It introduces Ayurveda and modern medicine and the history and evolution of the science of Ayurveda.
Step 2 – Understanding
This is where the program starts to get fun and exciting because it covers the concepts of Ayurveda in 7 detailed, beautifully presented modules.
Module 1 – Ayurveda and the Science of Life – An Introduction
- A deep understanding of the 3 body/mind types in detail helps you recognize which type you genuinely are because no two people are alike.
- Answers to why you experience certain health challenges in your life and what's at the root of them. Once you know and understand your imbalances, you are equipped with how to catch and heal symptoms before they develop into full-blown diseases and how to stay healthy going forward.
Module 2 – Ayurveda Through the Day and the Years
- Learn the 6 different phases of the day to follow a daily routine to combat day-to-day stress, prevent disease, stay in balance, and treat almost every illness.
- What stage of life are you in? There are 3 different stages and knowing which one you're currently in will help you make choices to keep your doshas in balance and stay vital.
Module 3 – Digestion – Eating the Ayurveda Way
This is an important module for Ayurveda views good digestion as necessary for health. The module begins with teaching that food is essential medicine. When diet is poor, medicine is of no use. When diet is good, medicine is of no need.Â
- Learn the foods you should be staying away from and which foods you must immediately begin including in your diet.
- Discover the 6 categories of foods essential for you and how to add them to your daily diet.
- The 7 most essential eating habits for a long, disease-free life and how to incorporate them into your daily eating.
- Discover the 3 powerful pillars of health so you can use your own life force for rejuvenation and revitalization so you can reach your full potential.
Module 4 – Exercise and Bodywork
- Learn what exercises are the most beneficial for each body/mind type.
- How Yoga and Ayurveda are connected and support each other.
- Discover the best times to exercise for body strength, support, and stamina.
- How to prepare the muscles for exercise.
- Everything you need to know about Ayurveda self-massage, including what oils to use for which body type. Also, learn a particular way to apply oil to each organ for rejuvenation.
- Other types of Ayurvedic massage and how you can use them to bond with your significant other.
Module 5 – Meditation Techniques
- Learn how to stabilize your mind with instruction on 7 different types of meditation so you can follow the one that's particularly suited to our dosha/s.
- Different tools for meditation include the astrological significance of Mala beads and how to use them for effective meditation sessions.
- The best mantra for each body/mind type and how to use it.
- Guidelines on the correct meditation timing and posture for you.
Module 6 – Breath and Energy
- Learn what prana is and the importance of breathing in a supportive way to improve your mental capacity and emotional well-being.
- Specific guidelines on the art of pranayama (breathing exercises) to gain a greater sense of awareness.
- The 7 chakras and specific little-known mantras to heal your body.
Module 7 – Ayurvedic Self Care
- Discover proper eye care to improve vision.
- Learn other culprits responsible for weight gain and how you can avoid them while boosting your metabolism.
- Specific keys to weight loss according to your body/mind type.
- Discover oral care to ensure you keep your teeth.
- Ear, nose, and throat routines to keep your senses keen and healthy.
- How to keep your hair beautiful from the inside out.
- Discover the types of headaches, what causes them, and how to treat them.
- The causes of indigestion, and what foods are lifestyle recommendations to avoid.
- Plus, a lot more on self-care in this module…
Step 3 – Optimizing
Step 3, Optimizing has 5 modules to take you through a complete experience of Ayurveda. This is where you get to apply the concepts in everyday practices.
Module 1 – Ayurveda and Beauty & Skin Care
- Different skin types and remedies to take care of each for radiant all-over body skin.
- Learn what causes skin disease and how to avoid the foods and lifestyle routines that aggravate the doshas.
- Loads of home recipes for body oil, hair oil, Â blackheads, blemishes, oily skin, and acne.
- Foods and spices to nourish the skin from within and foods to avoid problem skin and such a natural glow.
Module 2 – Ayurveda and Hair Care
- How proper digestion can help you have a disease-free scalp, plus healthy, lustrous hair.
- Learn what causes hair problems (dandruff, premature graying of hair, hair loss), and how to treat them with Ayurvedic remedies given.
- Hair and scalp care for different dosha types.
Module 3 – Top 10 Everyday Problems, Their Causes, and Ayurvedic Remedies
- Learn about the 10 most common habits that cause disease and how to easily correct them.
3 Additional Bonuses
Bonus 1 – The Perfect Ayurvedic Breakfast
2 – Ayurvedic Exercise and Body Work
3 – Ayurvedic Herbs
Plus a Text Companion – A beautifully designed text companion E-Book to the course giving you the entire content of the system in book format.
Plus the Perfect Balance Diet E-Book with recipes for a healthier and lighter body.
- You'll have immediate access to 6Â more Webinar Sessions with top Ayurvedic experts in the USA
1. Dr. Marc Halpern
2. Mary Thompson
3. Suhas Kshirsagar
4. David Crow
5. Melanie and Robert Sachs
6. K.P. Khalsa
The Ayurveda Experience Pros:
- The Ayurveda Experience is a high-quality multi-media production. It was inspired by Lisa Coffey's real-life practice and experience.
- Easy-to-follow videos that explain each of its principles in detail so you can quickly follow them for life.
- Available in both digital and physical versions.
- The Ayurveda Experience comes with a 100% money-back guarantee for a full 60 days.
- This program is inexpensive compared to the cost of getting sick.
- You can download the program so you can refer to the teachings for a lifetime.
The Ayurveda Experience Cons:
The Ayurveda Experience may not be for you…
- If you have strong religious views or a background whose teachings contradict the teachings of Ayurveda, you probably won't appreciate the program.
- If you don't have time to view the program to properly understand the concepts, you won't be able to apply them to your life.
- You may be disappointed in The Ayurveda Experience if you want a more in-depth education on Ayurveda. The Ayurveda Experience is designed for folks who are just looking to live a healthier and happier life as opposed to opening a practice.
The Ayurveda Experience Review – Conclusion:
The program is life-changing! You will learn enough about Ayurveda to easily incorporate it into daily living for perfect health. And you won't just learn concepts and ideas that have no practical use to you. The Ayurveda Experience gives you experiences by DEMONSTRATING HOW TO correctly perform the recommended practices.Â
I wish this program were around when I was first learning about Ayurveda in 2000. It has a wealth of information inside, and it was fun to watch. I enjoyed the authenticity of Lissa Coffey's presentation, and the backdrops are gorgeous.
I hope my Ayurveda Experience review was helpful to you. If you want to begin your journey into real health…
Other Ayurveda Experience Reviews
You can also find a review of Modern Ayurveda here.
Begin by learning your unique body/mind type or constitution. If you decide it's not for you, I'm so glad you got to know even a little more about Ayurveda. Please leave me a comment or a question below.
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Looking good! Have you listened to the Ayurvedic Experience CD’s? Good info.
Yes, twice! 🙂 It’s a very complete program and beautifully presented.
I’ve heard about Ayurveda through a few of my friends and I think it’s great that the principles of Ayurveda can be applied to every living thing. Ayurveda provides a great alternative to the pharmaceutical drugs. All too often people turn to pharmaceutical drugs to treat an ailment rather than looking for a natural remedy.
Yup, everything can be looked at through the 5 elements…(which are just different frequencies of energy) Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
Hi Jackie,
Thanks for posting this review. I am a practitioner of Yoga and have always been curious about Ayurveda as well. I think it’s all about creating balance on the dietary level which is what I think people should look at first before rushing off to a Western doctor.
The product looks great and I am debating buying it. Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting Ian! If you have any questions, you can always email me direct. 🙂
I love your website the content is very resourceful. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of it but it really sounds suitable for the things I need in My life. Sounds like a great place to be for relaxation and learning. So I wonder what else could you learn from a wonderful place like this.
Thanks for stopping by Scott! Glad i could introduce you to Ayurveda!
I’ve left a comment on your site and I took the test – I’m Vata seemingly and need more balance in my life! that’s true. I hadn’t heard of the ayurveda experience previously but I’ll investigate now.
re your website you could have the link pages open in a new page – otherwise when people close the page they leave your site.
Hi Norah, Are you familiar with Ayurveda? Have you been tested in the past? I’m curious if Vata is your imbalance or Dosha or both?
Thanks for the tip about the links too? I’ll have to check them. Thank you again!
Mother Of Health,
I loved reading about your experience with Ayurveda and The Ayurveda Experience Review. On a professional level :I loved the layout and found your site colourful, cheerful, helpful and very engaging. Not to mention very interesting and very informative. On a personal level, this had a profound affect, and made me question myself on many levels regarding my health. I found your site to be completely inspirational and would love to be involved! I can definitely say I will make this a personal priority.
Happy Health
Kerryanne! Thank you for your generous words and for reading the post. I’m inspired by your inspiration! 🙂 lol
Thank you for you honest review of Ayurveda. One of your cons for the program is if you had strong religious views. That being said can you take parts of this program that work for you or do you have to embrace it 100% on the spiritual level? From what I can see there looks like quite a few benefits of joining and I am really interested to know more about my body and what food I should be eating more of and how yoga is connected.
Hi Keldyn, Ayurveda is the healing side of yoga. It helps you to stay healthy so that you have the health necessary to pursue your spiritual goals. You absolutely can take whatever feels right for you and leave the rest. Ayurveda is a system of health care and the word means ‘the science of life’. This post “The Roots of Ayurveda – A Holistic Approach to Health, may serve you better.
i have never heard of the Ayurveda Experience. Whilst reading it, until i got to the part where you mentioned it, it felt like there were elements of Yoga included. I really like Yoga. But now to combine that with other elements to help you body and mind overall is very interesting. Considering I have a hectic life, this could certainly help. I am very much into mental and physical health. I do not know if my releigion will restrict me in anyway. I will need to find out. But I like this. Thank you for the post.
Hi Artif, Ayurveda and yoga are sister sciences. Ayurveda is the healing side of yoga, yoga is the spiritual side of Ayurveda. I hope this helps.