Thank you for your interest!
Are you trying to generate traffic back to your blog? We welcome contributions!
Holistic health/beauty/home/garden is our niche. We're looking for advice pieces with tips to improve health, happiness, relationships, beauty routines, recipes, healthy home and garden, and nutrition. Take a look at our site and see what we've previously posted.
Knowledge of holistic health and wellness is a plus!
Word count: Ideally over 1000 words, but more importantly should cover the why? what? and how? of a topic.
All submissions must be original and unique to Mother Of Health.
Please submit your Bio (120 words or less) and headshot with links to your Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
Please use the contact form to begin a conversation.
Looking forward to working with you!
Thank you,
Jackie Parker

1. Author bio listed in the post.
2. You will be listed on our “Featured Contributors” page (if you regularly contribute)
3 Â Traffic
4. New Audience