
10 Ways to Start a Natural Detox Cleanse at Home Right Now

Frequent exposure to environmental toxins is more common than you may realize. Most of us have varying levels of toxins in our bodies and the scary part is that we live with this threat without being aware of it. This is why I recommend doing a structured Ayurvedic cleanse once a year, preferably in spring and fall. But in the meantime, I'll share some simple steps you can take to begin a natural detox cleanse at home now. You won't get the same results as a structured cleanse, but you can support long-term health by minimizing the buildup of internal toxins.

Why You Should Detox

Although the liver, skin, intestines, kidneys, lungs and lymphatic system perform your body's natural detox function, these organs do not always get rid of all toxins. Much of this has to do with the fact that we're exposed to so many harmful chemicals on a daily basis.

Here are just some of the ways toxins make their way into your body.

  • Water treatment chemicals
  • Air pollutants
  • Food preservatives
  • Pharmaceuticals and harmful ingredients found in personal care products.

Although the liver can get rid of toxins on its own, its detox functions often become overwhelmed. So, to boost the body’s ability to clean itself, it needs to receive the occasional helping hand from you.

Health experts recommend doing a detox program at least once a year. Doing so will help you avoid diseases that stem from the cumulative effects of toxin build-up in the body. Here are 10 simple ways to start a natural detox cleanse right now.

10 Ways to Start a Natural Detox Cleanse at Home Right Now

1. Avoid Processed Foods

start a natural detox cleanse at home

Processed foods are common sources of toxins. They’re filled with preservatives and chemically enhanced ingredients that cause health problems.
Besides having plenty of toxic substances, processed foods are also unhealthy because of their high-calorie content. Besides they often contain dangerous trans fats. By avoiding processed foods, you’ll protect your body against the vast amounts of toxins they contain.

2. Consume Less Alcohol

start a natural detox cleanse

Alcohol is a toxin that many people consume daily. Apart from lowering mental focus and damaging your body’s cells and vital organs, alcohol is dehydrating since it’s a diuretic.
When there is less water in your system, your body cannot flush out toxins effectively. So, by drinking less alcohol you can boost your hydration levels, ensure that fewer toxins enter your body and detox your body.

3. Cut Back On Caffeine

Caffeine is not harmful when consumed in moderation and can be beneficial. But, when consumed excessively, it has a toxic effect on your body. It impacts your energy levels, your mental clarity and even damages your body.
To ensure that caffeine doesn’t harm your body, limit your intake to 300mg per day. This will allow you to enjoy all caffeine’s plus points while avoiding its dangers.

4. Drink More Water

start a natural detox at home

Water can help flush out toxins from your system in a natural way. Not only does drinking water help maintain ample fluid levels in your body but it also helps your organs to function properly, brightens your skin and boosts your digestive health.
To enjoy the detox benefits of water, aim to drink at least eight glasses per day. If you find sticking to this difficult, try mixing up your water intake by drinking fruit infused water and herbal teas.

5. Eat More Organic Foods

start a natural detox cleanse

While organic food will not improve the efficiency of your digestive system, it will prevent you from adding more toxins to your system.
Organic foods are less harmful because they’re grown with natural fertilizers and pesticides as opposed to conventional produce grown with synthetic insecticides and chemical fertilizers. The bottom line is food sprayed with chemical toxins harm your body in the long run.

6. Take a Hot Bath With Clay & Epsom Salts

Hot baths are usually offered at spas as a detox treatment and can also be enjoyed at home. Exposing the skin to heated water induces perspiration, and as you sweat, your body will get rid of toxins.

Adding bentonite clay and Epsom salts to a warm bath enhance its detox properties. This is because it contains sulfates that flush out toxins and heavy metals from your body’s cells. The Epsom salts also soothe pain, relax your nervous system and ease congestion. 

[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”5zyLtJrZ” upload-date=”2021-11-16T15:07:04.000Z” name=”Clay Detox Bath” description=”Clay Detox Bath video” player-type=”collapse” override-embed=”true”]

7. Increase Your Intake Of Fruits & Vegetables

start a natural detox cleanse at home

Eating more fruits and vegetables each day can help cleanse your body. For starters, these are natural foods that contain few toxins and plenty of nutrients to support internal detoxing.
Many fruits are also rich in antioxidants that reduce free radicals from your body.

8. Move More

signs and symptoms of low thyroid

Being active is a simple but effective way to help your body get rid of toxins. Physical activity boosts circulation and makes you sweat which allows waste products to be removed from your body at a faster rate.

9. Spend More Time Outdoors

Stress is a harmful mental toxin that affects your mood, your energy levels and even causes physical damage to your body. Spending more time outdoors and in nature has been shown to be one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and avoid its harmful effects.

10. Reduce Your Sugar Intake

start a natural detox cleanse at home

Processed sugar may taste good but it's really one of the unhealthiest foods on the planet. Consuming lots of sugar can spike up your blood glucose levels and cause you to gain weight. It also increases your risk of developing diabetes, heart disease gum problems and certain types of cancerWhen you cut back on processed sugars, you protect your body against all these unpleasant symptoms. 


While I highly recommend doing a  detox once or twice a year, there are things you can do in the meantime that are highly effective. You won't get all the benefits of a structured program, but these 10 suggestions will help you start a detox cleanse at home right now. 

Please leave us your questions or comments below.

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Written by Jackie Parker


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  1. Hey there! This is really great article. I’m kinda overweight and I’m looking for a way to trim my weight down. I read your article about natural detox cleanse and I’m interested on doing it since I eat a lot of junk foods. Do you think that if I continue doing this for the rest of my life I will trim down weight? Thank you for sharing this information and I really appreciate your response.

    • Hey John! 

      Yes! Ideally, you want to get to a place where your lifestyle is like this at least 51% of the time. If you can do more, great! But at least 51% of the time! What I find is that people who are out-of-balance crave the things that keep them out-of-balance (junk food and such). The folks who are in balance crave the things that keep them in balance. In other words, the healthier you get, the more you want to stay there. 

      Not only will your weight trim down, but you won’t have to take the dreaded pharmaceutical drugs to cover up some symptom in your body.  Symptoms are just our body’s way of telling us we’re living out-of-balance. Most people don’t listen until they can’t ignore it anymore. Don’t be one of them. 🙂 Take good care John. Thanks for connecting!!

  2. Hi great article on ways to detox. Detoxing is something I have never tried before. Mainly because of the fear of cutting down on all the food I love. However your article makes it seem easy and I realise I’m already doing half of these on a daily basis. I will try the rest and see how I feel after.

  3. I try to do detox (a fast) at least once a year for 5 days. For me it is like a break mentally and physically and it helps me to shift my live to more healthier style. The tip you give a great tips.

    • Yes, cleanses are a great way to reset your health in spring and fall. I recommend a 14-day Ayurvedic digestive detox and lymph cleanse. This sort of cleanse is unique because it repairs the body’s detox and digestive channels before starting the detox. Cleansing without this preparation can move toxins from one fat cell to another, which defeats the purpose of cleansing and often manifests as stubborn digestive weakness and symptoms of lymphatic congestion. Here’s a link to the cleanse we’ve been doing for the past 18 years. Colorado Cleanse Please let me know if I can help you further. 🙂 Be well!

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