Here you'll discover:
The Ayurvedic view of acne
Nutritional guidelines
Suggested lifestyle practices
- How To Detox the Liver in 10 Days
What Exactly is Acne?
Causes of Acne According to AyurvedaÂ
1. Fried and junk food – leads to overheated blood
2. Insufficient sleep – upsets normal body rhythm leading to toxins and acne
3. Over usage of cosmetics – direct impact on skin
4. Stress and anxiety – leading to metabolism imbalance and toxins
5. Physiological changes taking place during adolescence – attributed to hormonal imbalance
6. Excess intake of red meat
7. Liver Toxicity – We live in a world that is chock-full of toxins. Be it in the air we breathe, our food, our water… So much so that their entrance into our bodies has become unavoidable.
Ayurvedic View of Acne
Pitta Dosha
Skin Care Tips For Acne
 Detox Your Liver
Dietary Tips to Heal Acne
Did you know your diet is always working for you or against you.? If you want lasting improvement in your skin you must eat a cooling diet.
For example, a diet of hot, spicy, salty and sour foods will only aggravate your acne. But a diet of cooling, bitter, astringent foods will bring your Pitta back into balance to heal your acne.
So then, here you can find a complete diet and lifestyle guide for reducing Pitta or heat. Pitta reducing program.
Diet and Lifestyle RecommendationsÂ
Cool your body heat with high-quality, low-fat dairy
Skip anything that fermented.
Avoid sugar and opt for honey instead.
Pacify pitta with olive or coconut oil.
Let grains guide you. Wheat, rice, barley, and oats are the best grains to reduce pitta.
Eat sweeter fruits such as grapes, melons, and cherries.
Eat cooling vegetables like asparagus, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and green leafy vegetables.
Reduce tomatoes, hot peppers, carrots, beets, eggplant, onions, garlic, radishes, and spinach
Go easy on spicy seasoning. Instead chose spices that will cool and soothe. Coriander, cilantro, cardamom, saffron, and fennel are good choices.
If you eat meat, chicken, pheasant, and turkey are best
Avoid anything fried or heavy
- Drink water at room temperature (iced water compromises digestion
- Eat lighter foods that are easy to digest
- Take lots of raw vegetables like carrot, cucumber, etc
- Include fruits like guava, apple, pear etc
- Sleep for at least 6-7 hours at night
- Practice stress techniques like Yoga Nidra and Pranayama
- Avoid spicy, oily and sour foods
- Eat fresh, unprocessed food
- Increase the use of herbs that have cooling effects on the body
- Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day
- Wash your face frequently with mild herbal soaps
- Do not squeeze the acne lesions
- Avoid cosmetics with synthetic ingredients
Herbal Ayurvedic Remedies for Acne
Here are some of the most recommended herbs for acne. As a side note, you can find more natural remedies for acne here.
Turmeric works on many levels. First off, it helps to strengthen digestion (good digestion is the key to health)… But at the same time, it's a good antibacterial and purifies the blood. Turmeric is a tonic to the skin and helps to bring luster to the face by reducing the oily nature of the skin. I suggest you take turmeric internally and also use it topically.
Shatavari is a form of asparagus and is the main Ayurvedic rejuvenating tonic for women because it balances the hormones. The main reason for acne is a hormonal imbalance. Hormones make your oil glands produce too much oil. This hormonal imbalance is why so many teenagers develop acne. Not only does Shatavari help to balance your hormones, it also cleanses the blood and is an effective herb for inflamed membranes of the skin.
Yoga Asana for Acne
Yoga helps to flush out the toxins from the system. It increases the blood flow thereby getting rid of pimples. Hormonal changes and stress are major factors for pimples. Yoga helps to balance hormones. It relaxes your body and relieves stress.Â
1. Sarvangasana
2. Halasana
3. Utthanasana
4. Twists
5. Matsyasana
You deserve to have the radiant, blemish free skin. The root cause of acne comes from within your body. The best way to heal inflammatory skin conditions or acne is through diet and lifestyle.
If you put these suggestions in place, not only will not only cure your acne forever – you will earn vibrant health.
If you would like to know more about authentic Ayurvedic skincare products, check out the following resource.
Online Streaming Yoga Download

Great post! Very interesting. I never knew Neem oil helped acne. I totally agree with you on what is happening on the outside is an imbalance on the inside. Chinese medcine has similar ideologies. Liver is really important to detox for all kinds of reasons. I will have to check out that detox kit!
Thanks for connecting Dawna. Neem is a powerful antibacterial herb. You can use neem oil, but you can also use neem leaf extracts, neem soap and neem powder.Â
Amazing tips. Very effective and easy tips to beautiful skin. Ayurveda is safe and can be applied without any risk of side effects. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for taking the time to connect! Ayurveda is a big dose of love from mother nature. #nosideeffects