
How to Dry Skin Brush to Reduce Cellulite and Improve Circulation

Dry skin brushing is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years to keep your skin glowing and healthy. You may have heard about it, but didn't realize all the benefits dry-brush brushers reap in their daily lives. Let me share with you how to dry skin brush plus the benefits you can expect.

What is Dry Skin Brushing?

Dry skin brushing dates back to ancient India and Greece. It involves using a soft bristle brush over dry skin to improve skin texture and health. Dry brushing your body helps to enhance the appearance and health of your skin, as well as healthy blood flow and better circulation throughout all parts of your system.

Now, let's take a closer look at all the benefits.

What are the Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing?

The benefits of brushing your skin are many. You may already know that it removes dry skin and reduces the orange-peel appearance of cellulite... But you may not know the other health benefits it offers that you can't get from other dry skin removal methods.

Extreme Dry and Flaking Skin

natural remedies for psoriasisAs I said, the leading reason people skin brush is for extremely dry or flaking skin. Brushing helps to remove the skin and helps to form the new healthy skin in its place. But as you will see, dry skin brushing has many more health and beauty benefits. 

Lymphatic System

dry skin brushing instructionsOne of the key benefits of dry skin brushing happens in the lymphatic system. This is an important benefit because the lymph system helps remove cellular waste. In Ayurveda, the lymph is treated first because it's thought to be a carrier of immunity. As such, it was understood to closely parallel longevity. 
The lymph system is a vast system that feeds almost every cell in your body. The lymph nodes serve as cleaning filters that that fight infection.
Dry brushing helps to open the system to cycle the waste out and to rebuild the skin and cellular system. It helps to prevent blockage in the lymph system as well. Think of it as opening up blocked pores and making sure that toxins are being cycled out of the lymph in a healthy way.



Poor circulation causes a build-up of dry skin cells and a buildup of fat in certain areas. The increased circulation from dry skin brushing can help stimulate your cells just like with the lymph system. It can also help with reducing fluid retention.

Dry brushing stimulates circulation and helps remove metabolic waste and distributes natural oils. The result? Smoother, softer skin, and less need for over-the-counter lotions that have harmful chemicals and ingredients.


Without exfoliation, skin can appear dry, dull, and rough.
Dry, rough skin can create a build-up of sebum that results in rashes and other skin irritation. Dry skin brushing helps to loosen and remove dead skin cells. As you brush your body the old skin sloughs off. The new skin gets to have a chance to have its natural glow.
Dry skin brushing is one of the most simple and natural ways to naturally make the skin more pliable, tight, and firm.

Stress Relief

Another benefit of dry brushing is stress relief to relieve tension throughout the body. There's a good feeling that takes over your body after you are through brushing your skin.

I've had many people tell me it gives them a certain sensual feeling of confidence. You'll feel new and bright and in the end, you'll be in a better space that can impact the rest of your day.

>>5 Top-Rated Dry Skin Brushes HERE

How to Dry Brush Your Skin

So now that you know the benefits of this practice, you need to get started, and you have no idea how to do the technique. Here are the steps for how to get the most benefits from your new routine.

1. Get in the Shower

The first step is to get into your shower or bath. cleaned. You will also be showering or bathing right after, so it's convenient.

2. Brush Your Entire Body

One thing you may be wondering is what part of your body you should dry brush. The truth is you should be brushing your whole body.
Or maybe you're unsure of how to handle areas like breasts and other sensitive areas of the body. All you need to do is brush lighter in these areas, but do not avoid them. So, the answer is to brush your entire body avoiding anything.
2. Begin with the feet and hands and then move towards the heart. Don't brush too hard, or brush till the skin turns red or stings. A gentle pink tone is what you're after.
Use a circular motion around the joints, and long sweeping strokes on the long bones. Use a clockwise circular motion around your belly.
Brush every part of your body except the face and scalp.
3 to 5 strokes should do in each area.

3. Alternate Your Water Temperature

A lot of healthcare practitioners and yogis recommend going from hot to cold water if you can stand it. You don't want to do this immediately, rather make a gradual decrease in temperature from hot to cold. This will help to tighten pores and reduce cellulite. Also, try experimenting with cooler showers. Cold showers have surprising health and skin benefits, including depression relief and burning fat

Though you can add more steps to your dry skin brushing, (like adding essential oils) these are the necessary steps to get you started.

>>5 Top-Rated Dry Skin Brushes HERE

how to do dry skin brushing
5 Top-rated Dry Skin Brushes

Types of Brushes to Use

dry skin brushing instructions
The key point to keep in mind is that you need to stay away from synthetic brushes. The ideal dry skin brushes are made of natural plant bristles that are soft.
There are brushes specifically for dry skin brushing You want a high-quality brush made of natural bristles that are gentle enough to use daily.
And oh, your soft bristle brush should NOT be used for bathing. Always keep your brush dry and clean it regularly. You can wash it once a week with soapy water and then let it sun-dry.

Creating a Dry Skin Brushing Routine

You need to create a dry skin brushing routine that not only works with your schedule but also helps to ensure you'll stick with it.
Ideally, you'll be doing a dry skin brushing session at least 2 – 3 x per week. You can reduce or increase the frequency depending on what you feel your skin needs.
If your skin feels over-stimulated then decrease the number of times you are doing it per week. If your skin is still dry, then increase the number of times you do it per week.


Never skin brush over wounds, sores, burnt skin, freshly shaved skin, or any inflamed skin condition.
I'm here to help you out, so please promise me you won't hesitate to ask me questions. If you already have a dry skin brush routine, please share your experience and recommendations in the comment area below.
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Written by Jackie Parker


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  1. Hi Jackie, recently I had just bought a new synthetic brush at the market the purpose is to brush my back and not for dry skin purposes. I did not realize just by brushing the effected part where the dry skin located can help the lymphatic system to works better. These articles give us the answers, how and why the dry skin brushing maintain the perfect tool for brushing the dry skin.

    • Hi Andy, Thanks for connecting. The ideal dry skin brush is made of natural plant bristles that are soft, so stay away from synthetic if you can.

  2. Hi Jackie,

    This is all new to me. My only solution to dry skin using a moisturising soap bar and body lotion. It never occurred to me that you could brush your entire body, although I occasionally brush the soles of my feet to get rid of flaking skin. Your sentence regarding the use of synthetic brushes was a little confusing to me. I thought all brushes were synthetic–well, may except for some that I’ve seen in Africa, which are made from the barks of trees. I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a synthetic and non-synthetic brush if it weren’t for your picks at the bottom of this page.


    • Hi Princila, I do recommend natural bristles for body brushes, since synthetic bristles can be sharp and abrasive. Natural fiber body brushes are often made of boar hair or sisal, which is a type of grass. Thanks for connecting!

  3. Hi Jackie! The information on dry skin brushing is relevant to those of us looking for ways to improve our health naturally. Thanks for supplying this information. My dad used to tell me about dry skin brushing as a teenager, but now your site makes me think he may have been right after all! I also really appreciated how to plan a healthy diet and the juicing recipes. I can’t wait to try them. This could be my go-to site for natural health remedies. Thanks for sharing!

    • Hello Jane… and thank you for checking out the site and commenting. I was introduced to dry skin brushing by a college teacher 10 years ago and have kept it a ritual ever since. You really must try it because your dad was right! 🙂

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