Your gallbladder is an essential organ and should not be surgically removed without some serious thought. Keep reading to learn more about an effective all-natural gallbladder flush recipe to remove gallstones.
Gallbladder issues can be very painful and can lead to surgery. After surgery, you'll need to take medication that will help with bile flow so you can process foods.
This is a controversial subject among herbalists, for sure. Your body needs that organ to work properly.
Without getting into all the details of how the gallbladder works, let’s take a look at some profound solutions that can be found if you are suffering from gallbladder issues.
Signs Your Gallbladder is Not Working Properly
Problems start by eating an unhealthy diet, consisting of processed and fast food. Usually, very greasy foods will trigger a spasm to occur in the gallbladder. A sign from your body that the gallbladder isn’t working properly. Especially if you start to feel sick and nauseated and maybe even vomit after eating greasy foods. These symptoms often will become worse over time.
Nothing seems to help and you’ll feel pain on your right side under your ribs.
What’s going on, is the gallbladder is filling up with little rock-like substances. Blocking the ducts going to and from the organ. That’s when things go south really quickly. If not treated, those rocks can cause life-threatening conditions to occur.
Try a Natural Treatment Before Surgery
A natural treatment should be tried, before going into surgery and having your gallbladder removed. What do you have to lose? Besides a vital organ, that is. Give it a try first before going under the knife.
It’s a simple treatment, taking a week from start to finish. This process will help eliminate many of the stones that have formed and built up in the gallbladder. It is not recommended to cleanse too often, that is why it is a good idea to wait a year before doing a second cleanse.
It might be necessary to do another treatment in a year when you start to have those same feelings again of getting nauseous after eating fried and or greasy foods. If you are having issues again, it would be a good idea to change your diet and eliminate as much greasy food as possible.
If you search online, you’ll see many people have used this treatment with great success. Read the comments under any article to see how many have tried it and what their results were. That way you can make an educated decision on how to proceed.
This gallbladder flush recipe has saved many people a lot of money on surgery and they now still have their gallbladder. Plus, they won’t have to take harmful medications for the rest of their lives as a replacement for their gallbladder.

Natural Gallbladder Flush Recipe
Gallbladder Cleanse Recipe Ingredients
You’ll need:
- 3 Gallon Jugs of Apple Juice
- Human Grade Epson Salts
- ½ Cup Olive Oil
- Grapefruit juice (or Orange)
- 4 oz lemon juice
Gallbladder Flush Instruction
Day 1
Eat light meals with no fat, and drink a 1-gallon apple juice/water mixture.
Day 2
Eat light meals with no fat, and drink a 1-gallon apple juice/water mixture.
Day 3
Eat light meals with no fat, and drink a 1-gallon apple juice/water mixture.
Day 4
Eat light meals with no fat, and drink a 1-gallon apple juice/water mixture.
Day 5
Eat light meals with no fat, and drink 8 oz apple juice/water mixture every two hours.
Day 6
Day of the cleanse. Same as above then don’t eat anything after 2 pm. You can still drink; hot tea would be better. Stay away from cold drinks.
2 pm -Mix up 4 tablespoons of Epson salt in 3 cups of water, pour into the jar, mix well, and put in the refrigerator.
6 pm -Drink ¾ cup of Epson salt mixture. You can add 1/8 tablespoon of vitamin C to the mixture to make it taste a little better. Otherwise, just chug it down quickly.
8 pm -Drink another ¾ cup of the Epson salt mixture.
9:45 pm -Pour ½ cup olive oil into a jar, then squeeze all the grapefruit into the mix. You can use an orange if you don’t have a grapefruit. Remove any pulp, you should have ½ to ¾ cup now in the jar. Close the jar with a tight lid and shake very hard to mix up.
10 pm -At this point, you should be ready for bed, and the bed that your sleeping should be close to a bathroom. You’ll be making a few trips there, so you want it to be close.
Now at 10 pm drink down that mixture, all of it. It’s going to taste terrible. But it’s so worth not being in pain anymore.
Right after you drink the olive oil mixture within 5 minutes after drinking, you’ll want to lay down on your bed, on your right side. Draw your knees up as far as you can under your chin for at least 20 minutes.
Then go to sleep.
3 am -Drink more of the Epson salt drink and go back to bed. A little after that you start your trips to the bathroom if you haven’t started already.
5 am -Drink the last of the Epson salt or a few sips if you can. Some people just feel too nauseous at this point to drink it. That’s ok. You should start going to the bathroom by now and you’ll notice little green lumps that you are passing. That’s the stones that were in your gallbladder.
7 am -You can start to eat again, only take liquids at first then move slowly to eating solid foods again.
After the cleanse you will feel so much better
The pain should be gone, if not then you should go see the doctor. But hey at least you gave it a try. But many people have had wonderful success with this treatment and haven’t had to do this cleanse again.
You will want to change your diet and stop eating fried, processed, and junk food for a while after this gallbladder flush recipe.
That way your body can heal itself naturally. If you are prone to gallbladder issues, you should consider changing your diet to include more vitamins and minerals.
Related Content – How To Detox the Liver
Click here to learn: How To Detox the Liver in 10 Days

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Hi my question about galbladder cleanse, can u drink hot coffee?
Hi Osana, Thanks for reaching out.
Studies are contradictory as to whether coffee is good or bad for people with gallstones. I’ve linked to resources to help you decide what’s best for you.
Hello just to clarify, when you stated 1-gallon apple juice/water mixture, would it be half gallon apple juice with half gallon of water to make 1 full gallon?
Hi Ravyn, Yes, I would dilute the apple juice with equal parts water to make 1-gallon. Just a head’s up, if you have a gallbladder disease, or bile duct obstructions, or other gastrointestinal issues, be sure to check with your healthcare provider. Let me know if I can help further. 🙂