Women have used essential oils for thousands and thousands of years around the world as incense, perfume, and for their medical and culinary use. The Vedas from India dating from around 2000 BC, lists over 700 essential oils to help with anything from improving your emotional state to protecting your skin as you age. With this in mind, we've compiled a list of the seven best essential oils for women for both health and beauty.
But before we begin, if you are new to aromatherapy or essential oils, be sure to check out our Essential Oils Guide to Health and Non-Toxic Living for history, uses, best diffusers, carrier oils and storage tips.
Best Essential Oils For Women
Clary Sage

Clary Sage Uses:
Childbirth – Apply down the back of the spine to help bring on labor.
Emotional Health – Diffuse for postpartum depression and anxiety
Low Milk Supply – For increased lactation apply topically to each breast
Hot Flashes – Combine with spearmint in a spray bottle and spritz for hot flashes
Endometriosis – Apply to breasts to regulate estrogen and promote healthy cells
Lemon essential oil has high levels of vitamin C which provide antioxidants for your body. When our ancestors sailed the seas, citrus saved them from getting scurvy. It is antiseptic and antibacterial. Additionally, it has a tonic action on the lymphatic system and stimulates digestion.

Detox & Lymphatic Cleansing – Try adding some essential oil to a glass of warm water or tea
Concentration – Inhale straight from the bottle with Rosemary
Congestion – Diffuse
Stress – Diffuse
A runny nose & allergies – Inhale or apply over the bridge of the nose
Cellulite – Helps disperse cellulite
If you have to choose just one essential oil, to begin with, Lavender may be the best choice. You can use it for everything from emotional health to insomnia, and body aches and pains.

PMS or Menstrual cramps – Diffuse or add to bath water to balance hormones and reduce cramps and PMS
Insomnia – Apply to bottom of feet or diffuse to induce sleep
Sunburn – Use topically on sunburned skin to soothe and promote healing.
Headaches – Diffuse or apply to temples or back of neck
Emotional Health – Diffuse to uplift your spirit
Cuts, wounds, and blisters – Apply topically to speed healing
Peppermint is another great essential oil that addresses a wide range of ailments for women. Ancient Egyptians and Chinese used it as a digestive, circulation and respiratory remedy.
- PMS or Menstrual Cramps – Diffuse for menstrual cramps, nasty headaches or migraines.
Hot Flashes – Apply on back of neck, spine, or bottoms of feet
Cravings – Inhale before or in between meals to suppress appetite
Headaches – Apply to temples, and back of neck
Emotional Balance – Diffuse to uplift and invigorate your spirit
Best Essential Oils For Skin and Beauty
Essential oils from plants and herbs aren't just good for your health… They are a secret weapon for fabulous skin. You will see and feel an immediate improvement in your skin because essential oils are alive, nutritive, healing and soothing all at once. Here are some of the most recommended essential oils for skin health
Ylang Ylang
When you are making your own skin or beauty products, a lot of recipes will call for Ylang Ylang. The name Ylang ylang means “flower of flowers” and is well known for its aphrodisiac properties. Women in Hawaii often use this oil to protect their hair from the sea salt.
The essential oil of Ylang ylang is also ideal for reducing the signs of aging. You'll find it often in creams, and elixirs to help to remove fine lines and wrinkles naturally. Ylang Ylang is also great if you have acne or oily skin.
It has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. The scent of Ylang ylang is sweet, spicy, oriental and full bodied. Expect a deeply relaxing effect, intoxicating fragrance that brings feelings of peace.
- Stimulates Hair Growth
- Varicose veins
- Skin issues & Eczema
Dilute with topical application. May cause skin sensitivity. Excessive use may cause nausea in sensitive people. It has a deeply relaxing effect and should not be used prior to driving or operating machinery.

Skin toner
Repels ticks, fleas, and other insects
Helps injured ligaments heal faster
Geranium is used to heal skin disorders. It is rich in geraniol which is good for acne because of its antimicrobial effect.
It is also popular in anti-cellulite massage blends to relieve fluid retention.
Geranium balances the emotions and hormones and stimulates the lymph system.
Geranium is a natural insect repellent.

Cuts and wounds
PMS and Hormone Balancing
Oily skin
Body Odor
*Dilute all essential oils with a carrier oil if you are going to apply it to your skin. Try jojoba, coconut, or almond oil. I use about 10-20 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil.
Final Thoughts on Best Essential Oils for Women
Women have been using essential oils for more than 6000 years, so it's safe to say that it's a proven way to promote health and beauty.
Some of the most significant health and beauty benefits include improved sleep, positive mood, improved skin health, pain relief, increased energy and a general feeling of well-being.
Even if you're only looking for a way to relax after a stressful day or situation, essential oils will come to your rescue. Just remember, essential oils are concentrated and may cause skin irritation if you fail to dilute with a carrier oil.
Please leave me any questions, comments below. I usually can get back to you within “hours” most of the time.

Hello! I’ve been very interested in essential oils lately, especially their antiviral and antibacterial properties, since we hear so much in the news about manmade antibiotics not working very well as microorganisms develop resistance to them.
I think we will be much better off going back to the time-tested natural remedies for these things, so your information is very timely.
I didn’t know much about Clary Sage or Ylang Ylang. Very interesting!
I have been studying lemon and its cleansing effects on the lymph and liver and for improved circulation. I think I will definitely start putting lemon in my water every morning.
Thanks for all the great tips!
Hi Jennifer!
Lemon water is a great way to start the day! …and a great energy booster first thing. Simultaneously very hydrating and detoxifying.
Thanks for connecting and commenting,
Wow, this post is awesome! I did not realize all the benefits from various essential oils. You make me want to run right out and get the lemon oil. So many benefits with it for sure. I like the lavender too, as I don’t sleep well at night at all. If this could help, that would be so wonderful! I am glad I found this, as I really did not know they did so much!
Good morning!
I think there are over 500 studies that point to all the benefits of Lemon essential oil…It’s SO versatiIe…! I”ll just share two of my favorites… I like to put a few drops in the washing machine for really fresh sheets. I also mix it with coconut oil for a self massage for soft, supple skin… If you are serious about adding essential oils to your lifestyle, lemon and lavender should be at the top of your list. Thanks for connecting and commenting!
Ylang Ylang seems like the essential oil that I’m looking for. I wanted an oil which would help in stimulating hair growth and I think this oil would be perfect. However, which other oil would you recommend mixing this essential oil with for improvement in hair growth.
This entire post is really helpful, I would add it to my favorites. Thankyou.
Hi Shrey! Rosemary, Cedarwood and Clary sage are some good essential oils, but also check out this post for many natural remedies for hair loss! https://motherofhealth.com/natural-remedies-hair-l…
thanks for connecting.