Many people make the same nutrition mistakes over and over again and they do it without even realizing it! In this blog post, we will discuss 10 of the most common nutrition mistakes that people make on a regular basis. We'll share how they happen and what to do about them!
10 Common Nutrition Mistakes and What To Do About Them
Nutrition Mistake #1 – Drinking Lots of Fruit Juice
Drinking lots of fruit juice is a common mistake since most people don't realize that there are so many added sugars in the drink. Did you know that most orange juices have the same amount of sugar as your favorite soft drink?
That same glass of OJ often contains more sugar than 5 or 10 oranges. Eat fruit, which has wonderfully healthy dietary fiber, to get your fruit juice. Sugars can lead to weight gain and tooth decay over time. It's best to consume it sparingly or not at all!
If you are juicing for weight loss, here are 15 of our best low-sugar juicing recipes.
Nutrition Mistake #2 – Eating Refined Whole Wheat
One of the most common nutrition mistakes is to eat refined whole wheat products.
What's wrong with them? They're made from flour that has been stripped of all nutrients, so it offers little nutritional benefit.
If you eat a lot of wheat because you were told it is healthier than white bread, you have been misled.
Whole wheat can lead to high cholesterol levels and contains high levels of gluten. This can lead to chronic fatigue, physical pain, and digestive issues in many people. Stay away from refined whole-wheat products.
Nutrition Mistake #3 – Not Eating Soon Enough After Working Out
You may plan on going on a run or a bike ride for some exercise. That's great. Both of these aerobic activities shred fat, regulate healthy body weight and develop long, lean, strong muscles. Yet, unless you plan before the time you may be missing out on the most effective way to maximize your exercise.
Ask 10 personal trainers and you will get 10 different answers about when you should eat after working out for the best results.
But just about every veteran in the physical fitness and exercise communities will agree that the window of opportunity for maximizing your nutrition benefits is 30 minutes to 60 minutes after you exercise. So any time you exert yourself physically, plan to take in some carbohydrates and protein within an hour after working out.
Nutrition Mistake #4 – Chasing Fad Diets or Shiny Object Syndrome
Shiny object syndrome is a term used in the Internet marketing community. But it also applies here. If you are constantly chasing after the latest new diet, the next shiny object, about nutrition, you are going to make a lot of mistakes along the way.
Don't chase the latest hyped-up nutrition trend that is being touted as a miracle cure or muscle-building food.
You already know everything you need to know about fitness nutrition. You need plenty of fruits and vegetables, stay hydrated and get plenty of rest. After a workout, you need carbohydrates and protein.
Try to cut or totally cut processed foods, refined salt, and sugar from your diet. Do these things and exercise regularly and stop pursuing every new nutrition trend that rolls along.
Nutrition Mistake #5 – Believing a Little Processed Junk Food is Okay
Making this mistake is akin to saying that drinking a little gasoline will not harm you. Just like laying your hand on a hot stove for just a second will severely burn you, a little bit of a bad thing is not okay.
Why would you want to reward yourself “every now and then” with a large piece of greasy pizza or a double cheeseburger?
The issue is that eating these “bad for you” foods is not really okay once in a while. Also, once in while can eventually lead to eating unhealthy foods on a regular basis.
Trans fat is bad for you, period, end of discussion. There is no healthy amount of trans fat you can get in your diet. Refined salt and sugar are bad for you. Your body does not need them. You can live the rest of your life in a very healthy manner with zero McDonalds drive-through lunch breaks.
If you reward yourself from time to time with unhealthy food, just make sure you realize what you are doing.
Nutrition Mistake #6 – The Belief That Eating Well is Expensive
Study after study has shown that eating a nutritious diet is easily done without spending exorbitant amounts of money.
You can actually save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your annual grocery bill by ditching unhealthy foods instead of buying nutritious ones.
In any case, if eating right, living healthier and longer, feeling and looking better cost a few more dollars than killing yourself and feeling horrible all the time by eating bad food, wouldn't it be worth the extra money. Pay the farmer or pay the pharmacist. If you buy in bulk and shop the perimeter of your grocery store, whole foods are cheaper than processed food.
Nutrition Mistake #7 – Letting the Government, Any Government, Tell You What You Should Be Eating
This is a big one. Big government is big money.
Did you know that the notorious “Food Pyramid” nutrition guidelines handed down by the US government were directly influenced by the dairy and meat councils in the United States?
They gladly recommended what they felt was a diet plan which would benefit their company financially. This does not mean eating lots of red meat and drinking whole milk is good for you. It definitely is not.
If you still don't believe that such government recommendations are manipulated by large food companies and organizations, check this out. The United States government has classified ketchup as a vegetable. A tomato is a vegetable.
The processed nasties and preservatives, and other nutritionally harmful chemicals, and junk in ketchup are definitely not vegetables.
Eat whole foods, fresh and raw vegetables, and fruits. Be smart with your dairy and meat intake, and stop relying on the government to tell you what is good for you.
When you let the government tell you what to put in your body, you can 100% bet they're not going to tell you to do what's in your best interest.
Nutrition Mistake #8 – The Belief that Genes and Ancestry Trump Good Nutrition
Some folks believe their genetic makeup predisposes a particular level of health. This is not true.
Doctors and geneticists now know that nutrition and exercise can control as much as 80% to 90% of your level of physical fitness, your weight, and shape, and the appearance of your body.
Basically, eating right and keeping physically active trumps your overweight and out-of-shape family history every single time.
Nutrition Mistake #9 – Skinny Means Healthy, Right?
Thin people are not necessarily healthier. We all have different body types. Some are tall, short, medium, and in every shape imaginable. Every person is different. Right down to the molecular level, you are not exactly like anyone else that has ever been born or will ever live.
This means that one skinny person may be exceptionally unhealthy, while a person who is 30 pounds over the “recommended” weight for their height and age may be exceptionally healthy.
Skinny does not automatically equate to healthy. It may or may not be a sign of good health.
Nutrition Mistake #10 – Vitamin Supplements Make up for Poor Nutrition
While some vitamins may definitely improve your health, there's nothing that impacts your nutrition like a diet rich in vegetables, and low in processed foods.
If you eat poorly most of the time, popping in some vitamins to make up for what's missing in your diet is probably not enough.
Aim to get your nutrition from whole foods whenever possible, and when you can't supplement with Mary Ruth's liquid daytime and nighttime formulations.
Studies suggest that liquid vitamins are far more bioavailable than capsules. They will give you the essential nutrients you need more effectively than any other form.
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The information presented here is in no way meant to serve as medical advice. If you are experiencing symptoms of any kind, please consult with your physician.