Anxiety or panic attacks are a response to depression or a dangerous situation. It's referred to as a “flight or fight” reaction. Anxiety might become troublesome when it is prolonged and consistent, or it's the response to specific situations. Continued and constant tension may lead to insomnia, high blood pressure, panic attacks as well as a digestive problem. The cause of anxiety attacks is thyroid problems, stress, excessive alcohol, sugar intake, hormone imbalance, and sugar intake.
Here are several natural remedies for anxiety attacks to take into consideration.
Natural Remedies For Anxiety Attacks
1. Higher Consumption of Omega 3s
2. Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender essential oil can be diffused in a diffuser to reduce anxiety symptoms.
Put a few drops of lavender essential oil in your bath water or on your pillow before sleeping. This will help you to reduce depression.
Or, you may inhale the vapor from lavender oil boiled in hot water to get a quick calm–me–down feeling.
4. Chamomile Tea
6. Move Your Body

Exercising stimulates the neural circuits which control cognitive function, boost relaxation and mood.
7. Sitting Outside Under Sunlight in the Morning for 15 Minutes
8. Lower Intake of Caffeine in Your Diet

9. Check Your Diet & Lifestyle
As mentioned above, caffeine, alcohol as well as sugar may worsen your anxiety symptoms. So be sure to plan a healthy diet to get proper nutrition intake.
- Deficiencies in vitamin B12, zinc, and magnesium are associated with symptoms of depression. Therefore, vegans or vegetarians should pay attention to their vitamin B12 intake.
- An unpleasant stomach may have a close connection to an unhappy mind. Therefore, you should not consume food that is difficult to digest such as processed meat, high saturated fat food as well as fried food.
- Do not let yourself get hungry since it can cause your blood sugar to drop which can cause anxiety attacks.
- Learn a basic relaxation technique for anxiety
- Practice Yoga Nidra
Foods to Consider
Blueberries and peaches have nutrients that can soothe stress and provide a calming effect.
Whole grains can be another excellent option to get magnesium and tryptophan. (Tryptophan is an amino acid that has a calming effect and boosts your mood)
Oats are also superior to boost the production of serotonin. Moreover, the fiber content which aids in blocking blood sugar spikes.
Avocados, milk, meat, and eggs are overwhelmed with vitamin B which can prevent depression, anxiety as well as stress.

Jelly Jeff is a nurse who works at National Geriatric Hospital. He has an interest in Human Nutrition and Fitness. He loves writing and sharing on many health websites.
Wonderful. It’s really interesting. I liked the way of writing. Thanks for sharing with us.
I just went through a panic attack of anxiety last night. I’m going through perimenopause and always get anxiety when the period comes. First, a week before I am depressed then I get full blown anxiety. I am now drinking Chamomile tea which is helping. I also read to eat shrimp because it contains GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid). This is a substance which is lacking in people with anxiety disorders. I ordered it from a Chinese restaurant. Life can be scary at times – I have to go on quite a few plane trips. I know, it is not the plane that is really scaring me, it is the anxiety that is building up from this perimenopause. May be I am eating the wrong foods or drinking too much caffeinated soda.
Yes, the fluctuation in estrogen and progesterone can cause depression or anxiety. It’s SO important that you adopt a diet of healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. But the advice to just ‘live a healthy lifestyle’ may not help you much. Check out this course to naturally minimize menopausal symptoms and experience true, symptom-free health. The Ayurvedic Woman