
Relaxation Technique For Anxiety-The Art of Calm

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The ability to relax is a very powerful tool in your life. Think about it… Have you ever been anxious and someone said to you ‘just relax'? Or maybe you said it to yourself as you were about to speak in front of a large group of people.

Relaxation has the ability to show you things about yourself you might not already know. We'll get to that in a moment along with a practical relaxation technique for anxiety.

What is a Relaxed State of Mind?

When you let go of worry and concern in your mind, you experience greater degrees of relaxation. On the other hand, when you're encouraging fear and worry in your mind you experience tension in your body.

In deep states of hypnosis, you are guided through a process of relaxation. Yet, what is it exactly? It’s a silly question really, but the answer is this:

Physical relaxation is the action of releasing tension in the muscles of the body.
Mental relaxation is the action of releasing tension in the thought process.

How Can We Make Use Of Relaxation?

relaxation technique for anxietyRelaxation is something that can be utilized by any of us, at any time in our lives. Having a relaxation technique for anxiety is very useful for dealing with uncomfortable situations that cause us mental pain of any kind.

It can also help us to experience a greater sense of well-being in our daily lives. Without tension, without stress, we experience greater peace.

Inner peace is brought about by relaxation in the mind and spirit.

At night, you can learn to go through this relaxation technique for anxiety, where you release the activities and attachments of the day. It is a form of self-hypnosis where you encourage your body, mind, and spirit to let go, to relax, and just let things be exactly the way they are.

You must experience the benefits of this type of mental training to believe it. Often the simplest practices are the most powerful tools in your arsenal for encouraging greater health, happiness, and wellness.

The Relaxation Practice

Do this simple relaxation technique for anxiety at night when you go to bed when there is nothing else left that requires your attention. It can be used during the day also, but make sure you have at least half an hour to yourself in a place where you won’t be disturbed or interrupted.

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Relaxation Technique For Anxiety

Silence your phone, turn off the T.V, wear something warm, and find yourself a nice comfortable spot to lie down.

  1. Start lying down and allow yourself to relax by focusing on your breath.
  2. Pay attention to the feeling in your feet and allow every muscle in them to relax.
  3. Slowly move your attention up into your calves and do the same thing. Breathe slowly and allow all the muscles from your calves downwards to relax.
  4. Move your attention slightly higher into your thighs and buttocks and do the same. Let everything relax.
  5. Continue the process until you have covered, bit by bit, the entire length of your body, from foot to head.
  6. Be aware of your breathing. Just breathe naturally and allow every muscle in your body to be in this relaxed state of awareness for as long as you like, or as long as you can.

What To Expect

relaxation technique for anxietyDoing this relaxation technique for anxiety will develop your ability to de-stress.  Soon you will learn that everything that happens to you in the world, develops a certain amount of tension in your body and mind.  Doing this particular relaxation technique for anxiety will allow all that tension to slowly dissolve.

Furthermore, it has even led some people to have heightened states of awareness or even mystical experiences. Yet, the main aim with this is to uncover for yourself a truly relaxed state.

Practicing this properly can give you insight into the nature of meditation. In fact, it's the perfect introduction to Yoga Nidra, the deepest state of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness.

Relaxation Takes Practice

Once you get the hang of this practice, you can even take it with you into your everyday life, while going about your daily business. Focus on your body and encourage your muscles to stay relaxed, by consciously relaxing them.

Advanced students of this practice will even do it while in stressful situations, combined with ‘breathing focus exercises’ to support their state of relaxation. Furthermore,  they can face challenges and stressful situations to a degree much higher than most other people.

Most of all, being alive in the stressful world of the 21st century, developing your own truly relaxed state is a tool that is well worth forging within your body, mind, and spirit.

Please do not hesitate to ask me questions in the comment area below. I’m here to help you out and I would love nothing more than for you to be the healthiest, highest version of yourself possible. Let me know if you need anything and I will be sure to get back within “hours” most of the time.

I look forward to helping you!

relaxation technique for anxiety
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Written by Jackie Parker


Leave a Reply
  1. Greetings,

    I wonder how advance practice would be like on a stressful situation? Does the practice consider the surrounding during that situation? By the way, thank you for the tips relating to anxiety. I think for the first time, it might look awkward as the position of feet is not used to such technique but overtime, it is worth practicing.

    • Hi Tar,

      Start the practice when you are in a quiet place, like before bed at night. As you get more familiar with the practice, you can begin to use anywhere and anytime when more stressful situations arise. Focus on keeping your muscles soft and relaxed and it will have a huge impact on your mind. The positive effects of this type of mental training must be experienced to be believed

  2. I found you article to be very good the practice of focused breathing is an excellent thing I myself use it many times when ever I get stressed out. I like your step by step description to unwind at the end of the day .This too I practice but I like to start at the crown and work the stress and tension down and out of the feet.

  3. Hi Jackie,

    This an excellent blog on the needs and benefits of this powerful tool.

    So much is written on relaxation and its usefulness in today’s lifestyle, however, very few versions come with a complete set of instructions on HOW to meditate.

    You have included a very easy to understand and follow, set of exercises on how to accomplish this.

    This is the very core of relaxation … Simplicity!

    How long have you been using this technique and how many sessions does it usually require to reach the first levels of a meditative state ?


    • Hi Paul,

      Many people miss the power of this practice just because it’s so simple. My husband taught me this practice many years ago because I often experienced anxiety before bed. As I got quiet the activities of the day and everything I wanted to accomplish the following day would start to swirl in my head causing anxiety. It was my first introduction to Yoga Nidra which is the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness.

      Thank you for connecting Paul and be well,


  4. I was involved in a yoga class that used that very technique you are describing during the session. I found it so relaxing and attempted it a few times on my own but missed the instructors voice telling us when to breathe.

    It’s been a while since I took those classes so thanks for reminding me of this wonderful exercise I think I will have to try it again.

    • Hi Steve,

      Thanks for commenting. Yes, the power is in the practice. I hope you decide to take it up again! Come back and let me know? 🙂 My best to you… Jackie

  5. That is so good and what is needed in the course of our daily work life. Thanks for sharing this and your site which I believe is a gift to the stressed out world. I would love it if you could post more about how to manage the contemporary stressful life for managers and leaders.

  6. I like your article and have gotten quite good at overcoming anxiety using techniques similar to what you are describing. But no matter how hard I try I still get busy brain quite a bit. It’s not anxious as much as i’m constantly going over my checklist. I actually don’t mind it except its hard to turn off when I should be sleeping. Do you have any additional mantras or methods that help bring the energy down?

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