
How To Eat Well To Be Well

Ancient Secrets – Simple Strategies

eat well to be well

It’s not an exaggeration to state that the kind of relationship we have cultivated with Nature determines the quality of our life. How to eat well to be well is a crucial topic to consider in your quest for better health.

We're connected to Nature in every way. In fact, Ayurveda teaches that we are a microcosm of this big universe. For instance, the same five elements that exist in Nature exist in us as well… And this is how Mother Nature handles all physiological actions within your body. But did you know that your most direct connection to Nature is through the food you consume every day?

Our Disconnection From Food

There is a great disconnect between our food and us. For instance, most of us certainly can’t or don’t know how to grow our own food. We eat too quickly. We eat pre-made and convenient restaurant foods the quality of which we cannot determine. We often eat just to fuel our bodies and we suffer from not feeling nourished even if our bellies feel full.

So how do we eat well to be well?

It’s quite simple actually. There is food that nourishes us and infuses our bodies and minds with life energy… And there are foods that are heavy and contain very little life force that over time, create digestive imbalances.

the everyday ayurveda review

How To Eat Well To Be Well

how to eat well to be well

In the ancient Indian health science of Ayurveda, it is a well-known fact that most diseases begin in our colon. In a world filled with disease and imbalances, there are two simple actions we can take each day to ensure balance and health:

1. We must eat fresh seasonal food
2. We must keep our digestion strong
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Eating Fresh Seasonal Food

Eat fresh is a cliché today. You hear this term everywhere. What it really means is that we eat food that is seasonally available. That means, eat the watermelon only in the summer. Eat the squash in the autumn season when your body needs it the most.
Fresh food also means food that is made the day it is consumed. Old food – as in leftovers, canned and frozen foods have old energy, which makes us feel lethargic and clog the digestive tract. Fresh means adding about 40% raw foods to our everyday meals.
Eating well to be well means to enjoy well-dressed salads, fresh fruit, berries along with lightly cooked vegetables including greens, broccoli, cauliflower, beets, asparagus, green beans and other vegetables that you enjoy.
Include legumes such as lentils, and beans that are rich in fiber and other nutrients. Small amounts of grain, plain yogurt, fish, and chicken are also acceptable.

Use Spices 

The use of spices is an ancient practice with tremendous benefits.

Use small amounts of turmeric and black pepper in your cooking. Please, do not turmeric in your smoothie. No matter that it’s the latest craze. Your body does not absorb turmeric powder from a smoothie and it can cause other imbalances.
Feel free to use small amounts of cumin powder, coriander and fennel powders, fresh ginger as well as good quality sea salt in your cooking. The simplest way to keep your digestion strong is by using spices on your food daily.

More Practical Tips for How To Eat Well to Be Well

  • Skip snacking. Eat only three times a day.
  • Eat only till your mostly full. Do not over eat.
  • Drink small sips of water with your meal to avoid diluting digestive acids. And for the same reason, avoid cold drinks with meals.
  • Eat lunch between the hours of noon and 1 pm and dinner by 7 pm.
  • Fruit in the morning, a big but healthy lunch, and light dinner is optimal.
  • Eating at about the same time each day helps strengthen your digestive capacity.

Digestion Is The Key To Your Health

how to eat well to be wellLearning how to eat well to be well requires us to be responsible for our digestion.
Notice when your hunger returns after a meal. If your digestion is in good shape, you will be hungry about 4 hours after a meal. You will have good energy to work or do other tasks after eating a meal.

In other words, you should not need a nap after your meal. Each time you eat a meal, be sure to give your digestive system a chance to fully complete the process of digestion and assimilation before putting more food in the stomach, which takes about 4-5 hours.

Your health is precious. It is also your primary responsibility. By eating clean, fresh food and taking care of your digestion you will have made a true investment in your long-term well-being. If possible, shop at the farmer’s market or join your local CSA or community supported agriculture. Grow a small garden at home, even if it is herbs.

How you eat also affects your digestion. Make it a rule to not discuss stressful or controversial topics at meal times. Make your eating area is beautiful. Say a short blessing or prayer over your food. This is a good time to thank Nature for the food you are about to eat. Sit down to eat and eat slowly. Savor each bite. Don’t rush to get up immediately after your meal. Enjoy the feeling of fullness and satisfaction in your belly.

If time permits, take a short slow stroll in the neighborhood as this aids digestion. Be sure to not walk fast. Keep your awareness on the importance of eating as a sacred ritual honoring your connection to Nature.

the everyday ayurveda review

Cook At Home, But Keep It Simple

how to eat well to be wellMost importantly, cook your own food. Keep it simple by preparing a soup or salad. We have many modern gadgets to make cooking easier. The best investments are a crockpot with a timer and a rice cooker with a stainless steel insert.

In the morning, place all the soup ingredients in the crockpot and set the timer and hours later, when you return home from work, your soup will be ready. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve. Rice or other grains can be prepared within 20 minutes in a rice cooker.


Here I've given you many simple but powerful practices on you can eat well to be well… If you follow them, soon you will notice that you feel more grounded and balanced. And in no time at all, you will have mastered the art of how to eat well to be well.

about aparna khanolkar

Written by: Aparna Khanolkar –

 My latest book:
Nectar Food for Yogis and Dancers

Written by Jackie Parker

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