Below you will find the process for whitelisting for the main email providers:


In your for whitelisting for the main email providers:

inbox, locate an email from [email protected] and drag this email to the “primary” tab of your inbox. Now you will always see our emails in your primary tab.


When opening an email message, a “+” symbol should display next to From: and the sender’s name. Select this and an “Add to contacts” pop-up should appear. Select “Save”.


Select “Mail” and “Preferences” from the top menu.

In the “Preferences” window, click the “rules” icon.

In the “Preferences” window, click the “Rules” icon.

Click the “Add Rule” button.

In the “Rules” window, type a name for your rule in the “Description” field.

Use the following settings: “If any of the following conditions are met: From Contains.”

Type the sender’s email address in the text field beside “Contains.”

Select “Move Message” and “Inbox” from the drop-down menus.Click “Ok” to save the rule.


Right-click on the message in your inbox.

Select “Junk E-mail” from the menu.

Click “Add Sender to Safe Senders List.”