Shopping for a Loved-One Who Has (Just About) Everything
Christmas Gift-Giving Ideas
1. A Charitable Donation
If your loved one speaks passionately about any particular charities, then a charitable donation in their name may be a good idea.
There are many ways you can do this. You could simply donate a certain amount of money to a cause they approve of and include the certificate in their card.
Or you could buy them a subscription or sponsorship package, whereby they get access to grounds or events held by the charity. This also allows them to receive updates from a person, animal, or cause they have sponsored. This way they can be more in touch with their charity of choice and feel good by giving to those who truly need it
2. Something Biodegradable
Biodegradable baby wipes, and diapers
Eco-neutral soaps and detergents
Card-based or bamboo disposable plates and cutlery
Bamboo drinking straws
Biodegradable herb garden starter
Biodegradable toothbrush and dental floss
3. Something Reusable
Writing paper for a whiteboard booklet
Take-out boxes for personal glass Tupperware
Cardboard coffee cups for reusable travel mugs
Female sanitary products for reusable pads or cups
Tissues for handkerchiefs
Disposable diapers for cloth ones
4. Something Digital
Music by their favorite artist
A digital copy of one or more movies
Digital games
- Brain Training apps like Lumosity
A streaming service for music or movies
Add-ons or upgrades for games or gaming systems
A mobile phone contract
Mobile phone extras
A subscription to an online service
An app-store voucher
5. An Experience
Examples of this include a holiday abroad, diving lessons, or a music festival. Or, if it is something cheaper, which they regularly indulge, you could buy them an annual subscription or membership. Examples of this include a gym, a museum, an arts group, or access to trails.
Or how about tickets to the movies, or a play? If you're not sure about the person's taste in entertainment, gift cards to a local theater will give them the choice to see whatever film the person wants. Some live performance venues also offer flexible gift card options.
6. A Plant or Animal
7. A Qualification
A first aid certificate
Cooking class
Drawing course
Web design
Baby massage
Language learning
8. Nothing At All
Shopping as An Environmentally Aware Gift-GIVER
A New Twist on Conventional Gifts
A gym enthusiast will love a full annual subscription
A gardener will have great fun with a selection of new seedlings
A new mother will appreciate some safe and eco-friendly baby toiletries
A student may have interest in online learning
Something They Really Need
Some new tires on their bike
Tuition money for school
Your time – Offer to help them with shopping, cleaning, cutting grass, etc.,
Restore an old photograph book for them
Research their family history and compile the information
A membership to AAA is a great, practical gift for anyone that drives
- Maid service – Who wouldn't like someone to do their cleaning?
- Gift certificate for a personal care service like a manicure/pedicure
- Gift certificate for handyman services
Something They Will Get Some Milage Out Of
Food and Drinks
Wrapping it up in an Eco-Friendly Way
1. Bare Naked Gifts
This might be a wise option if you are against the wastefulness of gift giving and do not want to perpetuate it one bit. There is no real reason why we wrap gifts up, other than perhaps the convenience that the receiver might look in your bag and see the gift before it is time. But all you need to do is keep is somewhere private or secret before presenting it, not wrap it up at all.
2. Biodegradable Paper
3. Fabric Wrapping
4. Getting Rid of Tape
5. Bags and Boxes
6. Card Alternatives
Giving a gift usually involves giving a card, or at least sticking a label on the gift to let the person know it's theirs. Like with all paper products, you can always get a biodegradable, eco-friendly one made from reused paper. Or you could get creative and make your own reusable name tag with a message on it.
7. Reusing Your Wrapping
Finally, remember that there are always reusable options for everything. If you give your partner their gift in a cloth stocking, then you can use it again next year. If you use ribbon to wrap presents, you can bet they will reuse it somehow.
And when it comes to the wrapping your own gifts arrived in, make sure to recycle, use it for scrapbooking, or save it for re-giving, to prevent wastefulness.